I went into this trip with the goal of getting pictures and I think I've done it! Everyone in my family is a fan of Bear Lake! Of course, Kami and Kami's little sister/ Mary's friend, KC, joined in on the trip!
Day 1: The trip started out with a long drive full of singing! Then Heather took over the job of entertainment by starting up some acting game. It was pretty funny!
We started the trip being obnoxious dorks and ended the trip being even more obnoxious dorks!
I think this was them trying to act out big foot. |
Day 2: Nobody knows how we have such bad luck with boating. As soon as we got in the lake the lightning appeared and we got out of there in a matter of minutes. Then as soon as we got back to the condo the sun came out. We gave up on the lake and just headed for the pool! Then conveniently as soon as we got out of the pool it was time to dance in the rain again.
It looks a lot warmer than it was!
I have a quick story, Look at my yellow napkin..Little did I know some guy's number was just waiting for me in that puppy. I opened it up and found the number about 2 minutes after this picture was taken! CREEPY!!!! |
Day 3: Sundays in Bear Lake cannot just be church and a nap. Nope, that would just be silly. It's more like meet cute boys in Sunday school, get yelled at by mom for not getting their numbers, flat tire, photo shoot/ Sunday walk, nap, then drive home.
When you walk out of church and see this, what's your first thought? Mine was- "LET THE PHOTO SHOOT BEGIN!"
Their first thoughts were- "Where should we sit around and wait."
We take our photo shoots very seriously!
That photo shoot just inspired us to do a real one so here is our attempt to be models. Please notice how Mary and KC get cute photos effortlessly while Kami and I struggled.
Treking through the mud
I've got the best little sister in the world!
I told you we don't know how to be normal!
But these two know what they are doing!
This was our last attempt!
Thanks parents for the fun trip!