"If everything was perfect we
would forget how much we need out Heavenly Father."
Someone said this in my Sunday School class a few weeks ago and it really stuck with me. Looking back on this past year it is obvious how much help I need from my loving Heavenly Father. My year started out in the peak of a mental disorder. I was weak. Probably the weakest I have even been. My relationship with my loved ones were being effected and I felt completely alone. Finally, I decided to ask for help. I went to my Heavenly Father and begged him to help me. That's when I decided to go to my bishop and open up to my parents about what was really going on inside my head. I couldn't fight myself anymore. That's the thing about mental disorders. You are constantly at war with yourself! Nobody else can tell you to apologize or stop or point fingers. It's all on you. It was hard for me to love myself for a really long time.
Someone said this in my Sunday School class a few weeks ago and it really stuck with me. Looking back on this past year it is obvious how much help I need from my loving Heavenly Father. My year started out in the peak of a mental disorder. I was weak. Probably the weakest I have even been. My relationship with my loved ones were being effected and I felt completely alone. Finally, I decided to ask for help. I went to my Heavenly Father and begged him to help me. That's when I decided to go to my bishop and open up to my parents about what was really going on inside my head. I couldn't fight myself anymore. That's the thing about mental disorders. You are constantly at war with yourself! Nobody else can tell you to apologize or stop or point fingers. It's all on you. It was hard for me to love myself for a really long time.
At the same time. I was preparing to embark on my international adventure to Vietnam. In order to go to Vietnam I had to complete 90 hours of community service. This taught me a lot about how blessed I am and I quickly noticed that the war with myself stopped as soon as I started helping other people with their own battles. I truly believe that preparing for the service trip had almost just as much of an effect on me as the actual trip. Heavenly Father really knew what he was doing when youthlinc miraculously had one more spot left on their team even when I applied four months late..
My next trial wasn't where to go to college, but who to go to college with. Pretty much all of my friends had their hearts set on BYU. I had my heart set on USU and there was no way I was going alone. I remember constantly being on my knees praying that I would end up at the right place with the right people.
Oh boy! He came through 100 times more than I could ever imagine. My roommate, Claire has been a huge blessing in 2013. I know she really didn't want to go to USU. I had to talk her into it. She ended up coming to Logan with me and I couldn't be happier. The friends that we have made up in Logan will always have a place in my heart. They are truly the best roommates I could have asked for.
Going on a mission was a tough choice to make. A lot of my guy friends left right when High School was over. Throughout the summer it felt like I spent every Sunday running from one farewell to the other. How was I supposed to decide if I should go or not? Once again- it was time to pray. I took a mission prep class and really enjoyed it. Slowly I just decided that my answer was simple. If I have the desire to go I should go. At first I felt like this answer was too simple. I started to doubt myself and tell myself that my desire to go was just because so many of my friends were going. I was terrified! That's when I went to the temple. I sat outside the Logan temple and came across this scripture :
This is when I prayed. I told my heavenly father that I had
the desire to serve a mission and that I was going to serve a mission. If he
didn’t think that was a good idea then I he would have to figure out a way to
stop me. My papers go in on January 22 and I could not be more excited. As I
have worked on my papers everything has fallen into place. I slowly realize how
the timing of everything has almost been too perfect. I have grown so much
closer to my Heavenly father and the returned missionaries in my family. Oh how
I adore this gospel. I cannot wait to share it with the world.
2013 had so many trials that I will never forget. Now that
they are over it’s so much easier to see why everything happened the way it
did. I’m so excited to see what 2014 has in store for me. I’m going gain a
niece and sister-in-law pretty soon. Who knows what else the lord will put in
my life.
Here are some of my very favorite memories of 2013:
Senior Theme. |
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Some of my very favorite kids in Vietnam |
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Prom with this guy! Hunter and I have been friends since 7th grade. I'm so proud of him for deciding to serve a mission! |
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Moving into my dorm with the perfect roommate. |
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The institute dance! |
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Decorating the dorm for Christmas |
Hanging out with my friends before we all went off to college. This group of girls started in 4th grade just kept growing. They will never realize how much they mean to me. |
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Sunday drives with Claire. This one in particular will always stay in my memories! |
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I got to be Reese's nanny for most of her life. I absolutely love this girl! |
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Call me crazy. But I loved skating at 6:00 am with this lady. Listening to beyonce and goofing off with her was one of the huge reasons why I stuck to the sport. |
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The senior dinner dance was so fun. (the best part was probably getting ask to dance by my senior crush! wahoo) |
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Summer hikes with my sister. |
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Being silly on the bus in Vietnam. |
Embracing the most beautiful place I have ever seen. |
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Stadium of fire for the 4th of July after a nice day of boating in the sun. |
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Spring break in Arizona! |