Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Another Hobby for the Books

When a ward ski night was announced in church I felt like I was the only one in the room that wasn't jumping for joy. Skiing? What's so great about skiing? My winter sport has been picked out for a long time. Figure Skating or die. Well....Megan talked me into going tonight and that's where the laughs began...

The ride up the canyon was fantastic. I took the 45 minute drive to catch up on my much needed beauty sleep and apparently missed a lot of freak outs about being lost or going too far up the canyon. Whoops. Seriously, I was out in 2 minutes.

As soon as we got there we rushed to get our skis on and get on the hill. We stuck to the bunny hill for a good 5 minutes before Megan was pushing us to be big girls. Kalli, Amanda, and I were a bit skeptical about the real hills but hopped onto the lift. I was by far the least experienced in the group but with Megan and Kalli pushing me, I was able to keep up just fine. WHO KNEW? SKIING IS ACTUALLY FUN! CARLY BARTON CAN ACTUALLY SKI!

We didn't get the hang of it as quickly as I'm making it sound. My first time down the mountain was a bit rough. Here's what happened: Kalli and Megan were a ways ahead of me while I was experimenting my pizza, fry, and "s" skills. All of a sudden I see Kalli crash into the trees with one ski flying behind her. She was rolling in seconds. I decided I'd better see if Kalli was okay but my skis had a different idea. Within seconds I was going full speed down the mountain! I was uncontrollably zooming down the mountain completely passing Kalli and Megan. As I picked up speed I realized there was no way of stopping. Behind me I heard Megan screaming "Pizza! Carly, Pizza!" That wasn't happening so I got creative and decided to put my physics knowledge to the test. I zoomed full speed down the mountain and started skiing up the second mountain. I finally stopped screaming half way up the second mountain when I came to a halt in the dark. Megan came to my rescue dying of laughter. What a rush!

The best story of the trip was when Kalli, Nicole, and I tried to get on a ski lift.. The guys working the ski lift would make joked with us every time we saw them but this time we really gave them a run for their money. Kalli and I stood side by side ready to sit down when Nicole accidentally got her ski caught in between Kalli's legs. They went to sit down and ended up on top of each other in my spot. I had nowhere to sit so I tried to get out of the way. Suddenly the ski lift man picked me up and threw me onto the pile. Alarms began going off. Once again I was screaming and trying to hold onto Nicole! Everyone waiting in the ski lift's line was in shock. Before we got too far off the ground the lift stopped and we got situated. The next time we went on the lift the worker just looked at me and said, "We should hug now."

Our night really was successful for the most part. I fell in love with the rush of skiing down a mountain and wasn't too bad at it by the last run. It felt good to get a little farther off campus with my friends and do something different. Skiing will definitely be in my near future.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Waiting Game

This games is getting more and more real.
Thinking about the unknown makes it impossible to breath.
What lies ahead? I wish I knew.
I cannot describe this combination of emotions.
When will the of waiting, wishing, stressing, over-thinking, and doubting be over?
My letter is too close to resist yet too far to touch.
I've resorted to blocking out the words and people around me.
All that is in my head is one simple sentence...
I'll go where you want me to go.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Ultimate Valentine

 No. A cute boy didn't show up at my apartment with flowers and take me to a fancy dinner. I didn't go rent a puppy and eat ice cream while watching a chick flick with a dozen bitter girls. This valentines weekend was unlike any other! After a week consisting of four dance parties, meeting random new friends in a parking lot, True Aggie Night (not for me), and hot valentine finally showed up. Ladies and Gentlemen meet Chloe Jayne Olsen. This baby girl has completely stolen my heart. I absolutely love this precious angel. She is everything I could have ever expected and more. I am officially Aunt Carly! 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Best of the Best

There is no question that I have the greatest parents on the planet. Being away at college seriously makes me realize how much I forget to thank my parents. They do so much for me and ask for very little in return. I wouldn't who I was today without those two crazies.

I need to thank them for....

1. All the times they had to double as best friend/counselor/therapist/costume designer/hair stylist/coach/all-around-solver-of-every-problem-ever/math tutor/911 hot line/homecoming date/missionary/financial advisor/technician. I remain unconvinced that they aren’t actually superheroes in disguise.

2. Forgiving me when I forget to call or check in. (or fall asleep at a friends house)

3. Listening to so much rambling when I do remember to call.
4. Showing me how to be the person that I one day hope to be.

5. Giving me something to smile about always, especially when I really don't want to.

6. All the one on one time they set apart for me. I think my favorite memories are going to dinner with my dad or shopping with my mom.

7. For all the home cooked meals or pizzas we didn’t have to pay for ourselves. Equally phenomenal. Equally missed.
8. Putting up with that awful middle school phase.

 9. For giving me my siblings, whom I simultaneously once wished to sell and now am best friends with.

10. And oh yeah, for that whole “giving birth to us” thing.

11. For being my first, and at some points, only cheerleaders, who were and are proud of even my smallest accomplishments.

12. All the time spent bending over backwards to make sure I went to school happy, fed, and feeling as confident as possible.

13. Doing their very best, even when things were most difficult in the family.

14. Treating each other so kindly. I think their examples have really set the standard ridiculously high for me and my future companion.

15. And for being living proof that there are people out there who can honestly just do it all.

Nobody will ever compare to my parents. They are some the best of the best. I am grateful to have parents that I can literally tell anything to. It is because of them that I have decided to serve a mission. I love them more than words will ever express. Thank you parentals. For just being so darn great. You mean everything to me. I might be a big college kid now but there is no way I would survive without you.