Thursday, September 29, 2011


           Okay even though I'm sure nobody is reading this blog I'm going to continue writing anyway! So yesterday was pretty much the best day of my life! My entire family (Sarah, Michael, and Ryan were replaced by Heathers friend Jill and some family friends that we pretty much consider family- Amy and Anna.) So pretty much if you haven't heard Taylor Swift sing in a room full of 14,00 screaming people and extremely fun dancers then I feel extremely sorry for you because I have never had so much fun in such a short amount of time ever! Mary and I were screaming/singing along the entire concert and somehow we both managed to still have voices the next day. I truly think Barton's have a superpower that gives your vocal cords extreme strength...we might not be good at singing but we have the power to never stop singing!
            Now with these powerful set of lungs I HAVE to scream one last thing! GRAHAM IS DONE WITH CHEMO! This little man is less than a year old and has been through 5 rounds of chemo since April. I've witnessed him and his family grow stronger and seen how strong each one of them are. Graham is 1/16 of my age but I look up to him so so much! He really is the strongest person I know! Then of course his 3 year old brother is also more than amazing this whole experience has taught him to be so out-going and I just love to hang out with cute little sawyer! Next there is Graham's dad wow if there is one thing I've learned from him it's to never eat before entering the Schanz house because Nathan will be sure to force you to eat at least one huge piece of cake! Graham's mom is the second strongest person on the planet. Throughout this whole thing I've watched Sadie be so grateful and so positive to everyone she talks to. I can tell this experience has made her testimony grow like crazy! Sadie is the exact replica of what I want to be when I'm a mom!

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