I have figured out my future! The more people ask me about where I want to go for school the more the Oregon Coast pops into my head....which is weird since I've never actually been there. As soon as a figure out where I'm going to go the rest is already set! I really really want to go to culinary school! My dream is to one day own my own bakery (my little sister might be my partner is the business), marry some hot returned missionary, become the ultimate soccer mom, and somehow find time to travel the world. This is the picture in my head and I'm so excited to see how much of it actually works!
My dream of being in the bakery part of culinary school was confirmed! I know that I want to do something in the food service industry and I was feeling a little bit undecided about which part until today! Today in prostart we had to fabricate a chicken....Have you ever fabricated a chicken? I highly recommend letting Costco do that for you! Fabricating a chicken is pretty much the process of cutting the chicken into to 11 different parts- 2 legs, 2 wings, 2 breasts, 2 thighs, 2 tender loins, and the carcass........this process involves popping out joints and so many other things that I could hardly handle......but it was mostly the popping that got me! So it is decided the bakery is the place for me since it doesn't involve meat at all! :)
Today I also realized one other part of my future! Grocery shopping in college is going to be so easy! All I need to survive is cereal, bread, vegetables, milk, and water! Since all I really eat is cereal, veggie sandwiches and lettuce for a snack (I know lettuce isn't supposed to be a snack but I love it!) If you don't believe me ask any of my friends they remind me everyday how weird my eating habits are. But I don't care because grocery shopping for them will be so much harder!
I just realized how badly I need more pictures for my posts so I'll work on that! But I'm pretty sure you will feel like your in high school biology again if you saw that chicken so I spared all of your eyes!
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