Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Break!

Okay so my first goal for this long winter break was to get in shape. Then i decided dragging along Kami right next to me would make it more entertaining! It sounds easier than it is. I LOVE workout videos. I think they are so much fun and for some odd reason I love being sore the next day which is easy to achieve with a new workout video. First step was buy a new workout video. CHECK CHECK CHECK (I bought three). Second was to talk Kami into working out with me ever morning. CHECK (This was easier than expected). Third was to get to work......kinda check. At first we were on fire! LITERALLY ON FIRE! I felt the burn in places I didn't even know existed! Then I went to my cabin and we broke the habit...Then we tried to start back up today and here's what happened...

We got as far as making space, turning on the TV, putting in the disk.....and then the yoga balls came out and we went down hill fast. They are just too fun to handle! Of course I got out my new camera and we went to town!....whoops! But for the record I did end up doing the video when Kami left. This picture explains why nobody takes us seriously.

Aside from workout videos I've gotten to spend loads of time with my family! My siblings are my best friends and my parents are my role models. Who could ask for anything more? I have a ton of support in my life and I'm so grateful for it. During my figure Skating Christmas performance I could hear my entire family, plus aunts, plus cousins, plus grandparents, plus my three hilarious girls (Liv, Anna, and Cate), plus Hailey, the entire song! These guys are way too good to me.

The best party of Christmas was talking to good old Elder Michael B. It was fun to hear him talk in his really heavy accent and to hear how much he has changed. I LOVE YOU MICHAEL! 

The first week of Christmas break was amazing! Lets hope the second week will be just as great!


  1. Cute! I wanna join your workout plan!

  2. Gia I can't decided if you could handle brazilian butt lift! It's intense!
