This past week was spring break. I can honestly say that I loved every second of this adventure. My roommates had a change of plans and went to St. George a day early. I was a little upset and stressed that once again I would be out of the loop because I wouldn't be able to go with them. The next day I found myself leaving with Megan M. and Nicole. This was a blessing in disguise. The girls of 404 have become some of the greatest friends I have ever had. It's no secret that this past semester I have spent most of my time either in class or hanging out with Megan F. and Kalli. This drive gave me a chance to get to know the other two a little better. Even though I slept for half the ride (no surprise) I loved being silly with these girls.
Wednesday: We arrived at Megan F's house to find Kalli and Megan in absolute hysteria. Seriously, I've never seen them more excited. We unloaded the car and headed for the thrift shops. We found a few quality items but really were just having fun embracing the sun and each other. We hadn't heard from the other girls so we just kept doing what we had originally planned. Megan showed us a cool soda shop and park. After a little more shopping, modeling sexy black dresses in TJ max, and using hair products that looked like testers, we went to dinner. It was yummy Mongolian food and you got to make your own dish. One of the waitresses was from Vietnam and I couldn't get enough of her. It made me a bit Vietnam sick. The rest of the night was spent buying me a new phone and hot tubing.
Thursday: Time for hiking! We got a little lost and apparently the other girls couldn't wait so we went along without them and figured we would find them eventually. The hike was incredible! I forgot how much I love hiking. Megan M. wasn't a fan but we somehow got her to the top! The hike was about three hours. Oh too fun! Pictures and videos were taken at the top including singing the Scotsman. My hair looked awful from lack of shampoo but I love all the pictures! Megan showed us the legendary Swig that night. Those sugar cookies were too good! To be honest I don't remember what happened after that.
Friday: The other girls never showed up at the temple like we had all planned so we continued doing our own thing. The St. George temple is beautiful! Kneaders French toast is free if you go after the temple. This was a deal we just couldn't pass up. After the temple, Megan M. and Nicole headed to Vegas while Megan F. went shopping with her mom. Kalli and I didn't know what to do with ourselves so we threw on some roller blades and tried to look like we knew what we were doing. We somehow ended up rolling around a parking lot talking about life. Loved it. Megan got back from shopping so it was time for a picnic and croquet. The croquet didn't end up happening. Instead we started a music video and played with chalk at the park. The camera battery died before we had a chance to finish so we'll save that for later. It's probably better unfinished. Kalli and Megan took me to Costco for my very first time. It was pi day yet Costco didn't sell pie. I wasn't impressed...Megan's amazing mom made us another awesome meal then we headed to the D (letter on the mountain) we finally saw my roommates here but they didn't want to go up so we went to Swig instead. After, we thought we were all going to Dixie rock but the other girls had other plans apparently. Me and the girls of 404 went anyway and were not impressed by the sea of high school kids there. Yuck. haha We went back to the D and had some good laughs. More pictures were taken then I was more than ready for bed! Even if it meant being squished between Kalli and Megan F. :)
Saturday: This was our last day so all we had time for was a little laying out in the sun then it was back to reality. The drive home felt like two minutes (probably because I was sleeping again).
I'm majorly lacking pictures because you will see my whole week of adventures in the video Nicole made. Click on the link and check it out!
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