Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Black Blob

Last night I had the pleasure of going to my very first college institute dance. My roommates and the girls across the hall decided to ignore the neon theme and go in all black. We started making a scene the second we walked into that gym...
 On our way there we were joking about it being another EFY dance with the theme song and everything. You better believe that everyone was doing the EFY theme song/dance when we got there. We jumped right in and it went uphill from there. We were there for about two hours. In those two hours we started at least half a dozen Congo lines, cat walked across the perimeter of the gym (to BeyoncĂ©), got people to lay on the ground and kick their legs (the whole gym was watching and taking pictured or participating at that point), started/won a dance off, and attracted the attention of every person in the room by pretending to be sizzling bacon in the middle of the dance floor. You know you are talented dancers if multiple people ask you if you're one of the Aggie's dance teams! This may or may not have been even better than the famous Halloween howl dance.
WHAT A NIGHT! I feel so lucky to have such amazing friends up here at Utah State. Words cannot describe how fun last night seriously was. The less I take myself seriously the more friends I make! Who knew?? That's what college is all about. Right?

These are 6 of the greatest friends I think I have ever had. I look up to each and every one of them so much!

There's this thing we do. If we see a hot guy or just each other, we grunt and slump down then we immediately go on our tip toes and say yoooowhooo in our very highest pitch. Yeah...We are pretty good at it.

Since everyone thought we were a dance team we figured we needed a dance company picture!


Friday, November 1, 2013

Meeting Moses!

I met Moses! How cool is that??? Okay, maybe not the Moses that I've been studying about in Institute but......this Moses was pretty legit! I went on a random date with this guy named Wade.
The date started out at a normal BBQ joint. We ate dinner, talked a bit about where we were from, our families, just the basic get to know you stuff. Then we went to his house and he introduced me to his camels, Moses and Abraham. What?? He asked me if I wanted a ride and before I knew it I was riding Moses! SWEET!
Guys. I rode a Camel! WHAOOO!  I didn't know this date could get any better until...
He gets out four wheelers and asks me if I want to go find a zebra. Are you kidding me??
We spent the next hour racing around the field searching for his zebra. Okay it was too dark to get a picture but I promise it was for reals! Who knew Logan had zebras! I think I like this whole farm life! I got to pet a zebra, ride a camel, see a zonkey (zebra donkey), play with puppies, and get a free meal! All in all. I guess it was an alright night! :)