Monday, October 31, 2011

My trip to California!

             I am an extremely spoiled babysitter! This past week my little sister and I got to go to Disneyland and Sea world FOR A BABYSITTING JOB! It was so much fun! We pretty much got to hang out at Disneyland just us too from 11:00 am until about 5;30 pm! Not only did this mean we got to go on all the "big kid rides" but we also got a ton of sister bonding time! I love my sister so much and I'm so glad I got some alone time with her for a whole week and a half!
           The babysitting side of the trip was really fun but sometimes frustrating! I officially know how tired a mom can get! At the very beginning of the trip Mary and I were teasing the Hansens about going to bed at 8:00 but two days later we were the first ones in bed! The two kids are 18 months and 3 years old so they definitely kept us on our toes all day long! Parenting isn't for whimps! But I loved spending time with a little boy that would constantly say things that would make me laugh and a baby girl that is a total mama's girl but is an extremely good cuddler when mama isn't around! Words cannot describe how much I love these kids!
                 I have suddenly started quoting Bentley (the three year old) here are the major quotes:
1. Hey you happy? - this was said anytime he knew I was getting a little bit frustrated or tired.
2. So tell me about your day! - He said this anytime there was a moment of silence
3. I was a wittle scawed...just a wittle bit! - some of the rides at Disneyland were a little too intense for this little man
4. Then of course every car ride was filled with "If You're Happy and You Know It."
5. He let me tell you a secret! (then he would whisper something about throwing you into dog poop or something about me being his best friend)
            On top of gaining some awesome quotes I have learned two other things this past week. The first on is- If you have a three year old be ready to stop for a potty break at every moment! I helped Bentley pee in a bottle 4 times in one's a good thing he's a boy or that could have been a lot harder. Second is hot sauce is the best threat in the world! When Bentley wasn't listening I would simply ask him if he wants hot sauce and he would instantly turn into an angel! AMAZING!

            Me and Mary are really really excited about a lot of these pictures! Here are a couple of the best ones from are awesome trip!

This is mine and Mary's favorite disney character! Look at him he is just so lovable!

Me and Bentley were jesse and woody! He was so excited to trick or treat in disneyland! We got 23 pounds in 2 hours!

Another favorite!

Ferris wheel......not exactly very intense...

You gotta try this one!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Just a good old spiritual reminder! Then catching the secret chalk artists!

I LOVE this video so much! I hope you do too!

           Now its time for some real business! I have to tell you guys about more of my best friends! So I was a trying to recover from a 5 mile run by eating some random Mexican take out thing in my fridge, when all of a sudden I see two people in my front yard. At first I thought it was Mary but when I took a closer look it was two of my really good friends, Alyssa Clark and Sarah Mcmaster! If you don't know who they are let me explain them- Alyssa is pretty much the smartest person on the planet, not to mention she is flippin gorgeous, she makes everything sound simple and can solve any problem in the universe. Lyssa and I love to bake together and are pretty good at giving each other random looks across any room when necessary. Sarah is hilarious! She not only is the funniest interpretive dancer ever she can also do about 1,000 accents while doing a Russian dance move that she learned on the wii.(we just call it a Russian dance move I have no idea what it really is.) Sarah is really smart and is somehow always happy! I'm totally obsessed with both of these girls! Now back to my story...I look outside to find Sarah and Alyssa playing with chalk in my front yard...You would think this would surprise me more then it did but my group always does things like this for each other! It totally made my day! Then I finally got to take a shower but of course as soon as I get out I find my friend Kami at my house....My friends are really good at catching me off guard!

I promised I would work on actually getting pictures for my posts so here are some pictures of Lyssa and Sarah's art work!

They are 100% supportive of my bakery dream!

You can't really see it but this is Alyssa and Sarah baking up a storm in my bakery's kitchen.

This one is self-explanatory.

We always joke around that is Kami works in my bakery she shouldn't be in the kitchen part....or the money/math they drew her happily greeting people at the front desk!

Me ice skating while decorating a cake!

Oh and this amazing photography was by my best best best friend Mary!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Future.....and explaining some things.

             I have figured out my future! The more people ask me about where I want to go for school the more the Oregon Coast pops into my head....which is weird since I've never actually been there. As soon as a figure out where I'm going to go the rest is already set! I really really want to go to culinary school! My dream is to one day own my own bakery (my little sister might be my partner is the business), marry some hot returned missionary, become the ultimate soccer mom, and somehow find time to travel the world. This is the picture in my head and I'm so excited to see how much of it actually works!
             My dream of being in the bakery part of culinary school was confirmed! I know that I want to do something in the food service industry and I was feeling a little bit undecided about which part until today! Today in prostart we had to fabricate a chicken....Have you ever fabricated a chicken? I highly recommend letting Costco do that for you! Fabricating a chicken is pretty much the process of cutting the chicken into to 11 different parts- 2 legs, 2 wings, 2 breasts, 2 thighs, 2 tender loins, and the carcass........this process involves popping out joints and so many other things that I could hardly handle......but it was mostly the popping that got me! So it is decided the bakery is the place for me since it doesn't involve meat at all! :)
            Today I also realized one other part of my future! Grocery shopping in college is going to be so easy! All I need to survive is cereal, bread, vegetables, milk, and water! Since all I really eat is cereal, veggie sandwiches and lettuce for a snack (I know lettuce isn't supposed to be a snack but I love it!) If you don't believe me ask any of my friends they remind me everyday how weird my eating habits are. But I don't care because grocery shopping for them will be so much harder!
            I just realized how badly I need more pictures for my posts so I'll work on that! But I'm pretty sure you will feel like your in high school biology again if you saw that chicken so I spared all of your eyes!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

1st Experience with Tea.....not so good

               Okay so for a history project we have to write five entries in a journal as if we were slaves........yeah it is a very depressing journal. This project would be really easy if all we had to do was make up some stories about working in the fields under a blazing sun with hardly anything to eat or drink. But of course our teacher thought that would be too boring, so we are supposed to "spice it up" by writing the journal in a creative way like finding some old chunk of leather and somehow making it look like its from 1863 and written by someone who somehow learned to read and write. Whenever I am assigned an assignment like this the first person I turn to for creativity is my mom. This woman can come up with anything and make it brilliant! This time she found a way to make paper look freakishly old by soaking it in black tea. Have you ever smelled black tea? It's disgusting....I'm so glad the church is against letting me try that stuff! It has made our whole kitchen smell like a not so clean cow ranch. I highly recommend keeping it at least 100 yards away from any of your senses...1st- smell- nasty 2nd- don't need to try it to know what it tastes like (I didn't taste it) 3rd- touch- It's hot so it will burn you...enough said 4th- hear- you know how in the movies the tea screams at real life I bet that's nails on a chalk board 5th- look- ummmmm its a cup of black liquid with some pouch of chunky herbs of course it doesn't look good!
             So my first tea experience is hopefully my last but at least I figured out how to make paper look old....I'll find someway to make that benefit my life or the life of my fellow man. But for now I just want an A on this assignment. My advice to the world...or 3 of my friends is stay away from tea it probably gives you horrible breath! Go for the hot chocolate and if your too lazy to make that 7-11 has the best hot chocolate in the world! Or Nathan Schanz has taught me a thing or too about making it so I'll make if for you as long as you stay away from that nasty liquid of death that is know as tea! Thanks for reading me rambling about tea!