Friday, August 10, 2012

Two Freakin Funny Girls!

It's no secret that I love making cakes! Cake makes everyone happy and hyper. It just does. Kimi came up with the idea to make a cake for a really good friend of ours so we grabbed Claire and the three of us went to town! Claire spent the whole time eating the frosting while I helped Kimi stay focused and made sure she didn't do the same thing twice..cough cough
My good friends Kimi and Claire sadly haven't gotten a chance to show their faces to the blogging world so I promised I would help them out. When they found out I had a blog they made me take pictures of our cute cake making session. I, of course, was not going to complain. I whipped out my camera and here they are!

Please notice that we unintentionally are all matching. Weird right!?!?!

 Next we just started putting things in a microwave. No our best idea but it was still entertaining! The movie won't work but just a tip...putting soap in the microwave is fun until your house smells like burnt smelly nasty stuff!

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