Tuesday, February 14, 2012

One week of being a mommy!

My week has been full of interesting/fun/crazy/cute/hilarious/intense/dramatic/tiring/amazing moments! I have decided that I HAVE to be a mom later on in life! I love it! Sure, it's freakin' tiring but in the end I really love getting to act like the mommy of these three cute girls! 
This is one of the few moments in the car when these two could handle being stuck next to each other,  so as Cate would say- course I got a picture!

We attempted to make a music video so this is Cate all dressed up for the spotlight.

I couldn't stop giggling at Anna's costume for the music video! I wish you could see the mustache better in this!

I had some friends come over and help Anna get ready for the big 6th grade valentines dance.  Yesterday Anna was showing off her teen beauty crew to her friends! -(yeah that made us feel pretty good)
One thing that I'm really going to miss is little Olivia making me do my  homework every night. She is the only 7 year old I know that will try to learn high school physics. These are just about my favorite moments with livia. When the house is quiet and we just get to sit in the freakishly squishy bed and do homework. Even if it means doing homework...

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